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Eloge de l'Art par Alain Truong

20 novembre 2009

Shopping of yellow diamond @ Sotheby's London

Shopping of yellow diamond @ Sotheby's London
Very impressive Fancy Vivid Yellow diamond ring. Photo Sotheby's Claw-set with a fancy vivid yellow cut-cornered rectangular modified brilliant-cut diamond weighing 74.80 carats, to a plain yellow gold mount, size 52. Est. 2,600,000—3,600,000 CHF - Hammer...
20 novembre 2009

"Rhinoceros Horn and Ivory Cup",-Johann Matthias Scheppich,(1652-1705)

"Rhinoceros Horn and Ivory Cup",-Johann Matthias Scheppich,(1652-1705)
"Rhinoceros Horn and Ivory Cup", Johann Matthias Scheppich, (1652-1705) An important Silver and Silver-Gilt Mounted Rhinoceros Horn and Ivory Cup, the mounts: Augsburg, ca.1675 by Johann Mathias SCHEPPICH (1652 1705), master in 1676, the sculpture by...
20 novembre 2009

Crux Vaticana-Golden Cross in Vatican's Collection has been restored to its Byzantine-era glory

Crux Vaticana-Golden Cross in Vatican's Collection has been restored to its Byzantine-era glory
Front of the Crux Vaticana (Vatican Cross) before restoration. AP Photo/Ku.Ra Comunicazione VATICAN CITY (AP).- One of the gems of the Vatican's priceless religious art collection — a 6th century reliquary containing what is revered as fragments of the...
19 novembre 2009

Bonhams to Sell White Gold: One of the Finest Collections of Meissen in the World

Bonhams to Sell White Gold: One of the Finest Collections of Meissen in the World
The preferred gifts of kings, Meissen porcelain, from many of the noble houses of Europe, will be sold at Bonhams on November 25 2009 when the first part of the Hoffmeister Collection is auctioned. The world-famous Hoffmeister Collection was assembled...
19 novembre 2009

Pierre-Antoine Demachy (1723-1807) Dégagement de la colonnade du Louvre vue prise pendant le démolition des vestiges de l'hôtel

Pierre-Antoine Demachy (1723-1807) Dégagement de la colonnade du Louvre vue prise pendant le démolition des vestiges de l'hôtel
Pierre-Antoine Demachy (1723-1807) Dégagement de la colonnade du Louvre vue prise pendant le démolition des vestiges de l'hôtel du Petit Bourbon Huile sur panneau. Porte une signature «Demachy» en bas à gauche. (Petits accidents) 49 X 64 cm - Estimation...
19 novembre 2009

'Here and Now, Chinese artists in New York' @ The Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA)

'Here and Now, Chinese artists in New York' @ The Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA)
Long-Bin Chen, "New York Buddha Project" (installation view at Long-Bin Chen Studio, New York), 2007. Used phone books NEW YORK, NY.- The Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) presents its first full-scale, contemporary art exhibition in its recently expanded...
19 novembre 2009

At elier de Osias Bert (1580-1623), Nature morte de prunes et d'abricots

At elier de Osias Bert (1580-1623), Nature morte de prunes et d'abricots
At elier de Osias Bert (1580-1623), Nature morte de prunes et d'abricots Huile sur panneau, 27 X 35 cm - Estimation : 15 000 / 20 000 € AuctionArt - Pierre Cardin Rémy Le Fur & associés - Paris. Dessins Anciens, Céramiques, Tableaux, Objets d'Art, Art...
19 novembre 2009

'Giovanni Boldini in Impressionist Paris' @ the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute

'Giovanni Boldini in Impressionist Paris' @ the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
"Crossing the Street", 1873–75, by Giovanni Boldini. Oil on panel, 18 1/4 x 14 7/8 inches. (46.2 x 37.8 cm). Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Photo: Michael Agee. WILLIAMSTOWN, MA.- During his lifetime, the Italian...
19 novembre 2009

Ecole française vers 1800, Huit papillons

Ecole française vers 1800, Huit papillons
Ecole française vers 1800, Huit papillons Aquarelle, 24 x 19,5 cm - Estimation : 600 / 800 € AuctionArt - Pierre Cardin Rémy Le Fur & associés - Paris. Dessins Anciens, Céramiques, Tableaux, Objets d'Art, Art Déco & Contemporain. Peintures & Arts Graphiques....
19 novembre 2009

Christie's Presents Largest Group of Lalanne Works Ever to be Offered

Christie's Presents Largest Group of Lalanne Works Ever to be Offered
Claude Lalanne, "Fauteuil Pieds Singerie avec Feuilles Ginkgo", designed 2004. A Gilt-Bronze Armchair. Photo: Christie's Images Ltd 2009. NEW YORK, NY.- On Tuesday December 8, Christie’s 20th Century Decorative Art & Design sales will showcase the entire...
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Eloge de l'Art par Alain Truong