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Eloge de l'Art par Alain Truong
12th-13th centuries
14 septembre 2009

Northern Song dynasty, Xuan He Tong Bao Rev. Shan XF, (1119-1125 A.D.)

Northern Song dynasty, Xuan He Tong Bao Rev. Shan XF, (1119-1125 A.D.)
Northern Song dynasty, Xuan He Tong Bao Rev. Shan XF, (1119-1125 A.D.) 550 USD @ lindascoin
10 mars 2009

Jug Inscribed with a Omar Khayyam's Love Poem Discovered in Excavations of the Israel Antiquities Authority

Jug Inscribed with a Omar Khayyam's Love Poem Discovered in Excavations of the Israel Antiquities Authority
The jug inscribed with a Persian love poem. Photo: Clara Amit JERUSALEM.- A fragment of a pottery vessel of Persian provenance that dates to the Middle Ages (12th-13th centuries CE) was discovered in an archaeological excavation directed by Dr. Rina Avner,...
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Eloge de l'Art par Alain Truong